The Meaning of Geese

The Meaning of Geese by Nick Acheson

We have loved reading Nick Acheson’s the Meaning of Geese and wholeheartedly recommend it. Nick’s take on nature writing is so warm and original and this is his story of his time during lockdown, during which he cycled 1,200 miles around North Norfolk on his mother’s 40 year old bike. He was in search of the great flocks of Arctic geese that come South to winter on the Norfolk marshes. For anyone who has spent time in Norfolk, and especially near the coast, this is one of the most incredible sights and indeed sounds of this beautiful county, when skies of wild geese fill our skies with their beautiful slow moving lacy arrowhead formations. Nick is talking at lots of lovely events this Spring and Summer - go to his website to find out where you can find him. The Marsh Tit.